Hospital Healthcare Europe 2009 is now available
Healthcare in European Union Member States faces the same issues: to provide quality health care, tailored to the needs of the population and accessible to all, in a context of limited public resources. The hospital sector obviously plays a key role in patient care, training of health professionals, and research.
Considering that knowledge on hospitals is sparse and spread in different sources, HOPE, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation has been publishing for the last ten years the comprehensive Hospital Healthcare Europe.
Hospital Healthcare Europe is the Official HOPE Reference Book. It contains:
-The essential resource for European hospital healthcare professionals
-The HOPE bulletin and in-depth management reviews
-Over 130 informed articles and case studies
-Individual sections on facilities management, IT and communications, laboratories, radiology and imaging, theatre and surgery, clinical care, nursing and patient care, pharmacy and therapeutics
-Expert comment and reports from European Health Ministers, the European Parliament, the European Commission, Council of Ministers, Court of Justice and WHO
More information on: http://www.hope.be/
Contact for further information:
HOPE Central Office
Pascal Garel
Tel: +32 (0)2 742 13 20
Email: sg@hope.be