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Hendrik Bourgeois elected Chair of the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU


Wed, 10/12/2011


Trade & Society
Public Affairs

Brussels, 7 October 2011 – The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) announced today that Hendrik Bourgeois, Vice-President, European Affairs, GE, has been elected as its new Chair.

A Belgian national, Hendrik Bourgeois has been a member of AmCham EU for several years, at one point serving as the Vice-Chair of the Competition Committee. In his previous role, Bourgeois served as GE’s General Counsel for Europe. Bourgeois also served as GE’s Senior Counsel of Competition, Regulation and Government Relations for Europe, and European General Counsel for GE Industrial Systems. Prior to joining GE in 1999, Bourgeois worked for a US law firm in Washington, DC, and in Brussels. Bourgeois obtained a law degree at Rijksuniversiteit Gent and an LL.M from Harvard Law School.

On his election, Bourgeois said: ‘I am excited about serving AmCham EU and its members. AmCham EU member companies are an integral part of the EU economic fabric, and the business activity they create generates tremendous growth in both economic activity and jobs. Our members also continue to be significant investors in the EU. Aggregate US investment in Europe totaled in excess of €1 trillion in 2010 which is more than the next 20 investor countries combined. It also supports more than 4.5 million jobs’. Bourgeois went on to say, ‘AmCham EU member companies are also very committed to the European integration project. We were among the first to press for a single market in Europe. Europe's future competitiveness and growth depends on the completion of that process which began well over two decades ago. As we look to emerge from the current crisis we all need to focus on the revitalisation of the European project as a means of driving Europe's future prosperity. I look forward to building on the successes of my predecessors and serving the needs of our members’.

Hendrik Bourgeois succeeds John Vassallo, Vice President EU Affairs, Microsoft who served as Chair for the past four years. He will commence his two year term as Chair with immediate effect.

AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters.

For more information, please contact: Anna McNally, Communications Director

Email: Direct: +32 (0)2 289 10 16


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