Health Check of the CAP: a compromise which weakens farmers’ incomes
Health Check of the CAP: a compromise which weakens farmers’ incomes
Reacting to the political compromise reached by EU agriculture ministers on the Health Check,
the Presidents of Copa and Cogeca were extremely disappointed with the final result. Speaking
as the President of Copa, Jean-Michel Lemétayer says the outcome is clear and unambiguous.
“We don’t see how the measures decided upon for the sectors are going to allow farmers’
incomes to be secured especially during this current crisis. Furthermore, increasing the levels of
modulation is going to penalise farmers’ incomes directly. No one can be satisfied with this
According to the President of Cogeca, Mr Gert Van Dijk, this text is one step closer to the CAP
becoming less and less common. “Now more than ever before we need a truly common
European agricultural policy and one which is less complicated. What we see between the lines
of the compromise is the very opposite: a CAP which is less and less common and increasingly
complex to implement and to explain to our citizens. Outwardly, the main instruments for
managing the European market are being retained but they are being reduced to zero. Above all,
it is essential not to lose sight of the fact that a key objective of the CAP must be to ensure that
food supplies are stable, reliable and safe for our consumers.”
For further information, please contact:
Pekka Pesonen
Secretary General
Tel.: +32 2 287 27 22
Marie-Christine Ribera
Tel.: + 32 2 287 27 37
Copa - Cogeca | European Farmers European Agri-Cooperatives
61, Rue de Trèves | B - 1040 Bruxelles | www.copa-cogeca.eu