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Harmonisation on food additives is good news for food industry


Mon, 11/14/2011


Agriculture & Food

(Brussels, 14 November) FoodDrinkEurope welcomes the three Regulations amending Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 (the Food Additives Regulation), published on 12 November.

Completing the first stage in the Regulation’s review, food manufacturers are pleased to see the first two regulations on Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 have been endorsed, bringing together all previous legislation and establishing a Union list of authorised additives. This is good news for the food industry because it simplifies existing legislation, expressing authorisations in a more transparent, clear and coherent manner.

Adopting these Annexes is also central to harmonising existing provisions, ensuring the internal market functions better and making legislation less burdensome for manufacturers. Moreover, a new database, available on the Commission website, will serve as a fantastic tool to inform operators about approved additives and their uses.

The third Regulation approves the sweetener steviol glycosides, commonly known as stevia, which is extracted from the leaves of the Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni plant native to Paraguay. As a new additive, stevia’s approval will allow our industry to innovate, developing new products and meeting consumer demands.

Speaking on behalf of the industry, Jesús Serafín Pérez, President of FoodDrinkEurope, said: “As a fragmented industry with 310,000 companies, over 99% of which are SMEs, food and drink manufacturers welcome the three Regulations amending Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 (the Food Additives Regulation). It provides new opportunities for innovation in the area of food additives, making the industry more competitive and better able to bring benefits to the consumer.”

Additives are indispensible to the food industry. They are added to food in small quantities to perform a necessary technological function. All additives are safety assessed and approved before they can be used. Once approved, additives are given an identification number, an E-number (“E” is for “Europe”). In accordance with the legislation, they are then listed in the ingredients on the label to ensure the consumer is well-informed.


Note to Editors:

The three Regulations adopted:

· Commission Regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a Union list of food additives

· Commission Regulation amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on food additives by establishing a Union list of food additives approved for use in food additives, food enzymes, food flavourings and nutrients

· Commission Regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to steviol glycosides.

For further information:

Lisa McCooey, Communications Director

Tel. +32 2 514 11 11, Mob. +32 476 911 300 


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