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GUE/NGL condemns and expresses sadness at the loss of three lives in Athens


Thu, 05/06/2010


EU Priorities 2020


On learning of the tragic events of this morning in Greece, President of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament Lothar Bisky said "I and the members of my political group are deeply touched and shocked by the tragic death of three people in an unacceptable act of violence that we strongly condemn. At this sad time, our thoughts are with the families of the people who lost their lives, to whom we express our deepest condolences".

Lothar Bisky reiterated his solidarity with the working people that demonstrated in their hundreds of thousands today all over Greece. 

During the debate in Parliament on the upcoming summit of Eurozone leaders, Bisky said "I fully support and identify with those who justifiably demonstrated peacefully today in Greece against the drastic austerity measures, but cannot understand such violence".

On the forthcoming summit, he added:

"Yet again, taxpayers shall pay for the profiteering of the banks; yet again workers shall see their wages cut while being forced to accept IMF dictates that erase the last pretence of democratic decision-making" he said, setting out the following proposals to deal fairly with the crisis:

- a ban on hedge funds and private equity and measures to tame the derivatives markets;

- a tax on financial transactions;

- extra levies on financial sector bonuses.

"Like everyone else", he concluded, "Greece should put its house in order and tax wealth, fight corruption and reduce its military spending".


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