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Growing in Members and important news


30 Aug 2011



Brussels, 30 August 2011 - In the General Meeting held in Milan on June 27th 2011, Meters and More AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) has approved the inclusion of 8 new Associated Members: ADD SEMICONDUCTOR (Spain), ARTEIXO TELECOM S.A. (Spain), CHILECTRA S.A. (Chile), PRODTI FOUNDATION INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE LA ENERGIA (Spain), SADIEL TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN S.A. (Spain), SC ELECTRICA SA BUCURESTI (Romania), SHENZEN KAIFA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD (PRC). Furthermore, SAGEMCOM SL (France), Associated Member since September 2010, has now become Full Member.

According to the Chairperson of the Association, Michele Salaris: "The incorporation of new members is a concrete sign of the vitality of our Association: their enthusiasm and experience will represent a great support to the activities already launched". 

The Chairperson also highlights that early this year the Certification Committee of the Association had been set up and has already started its activities. The Committee will  define the testing specifications and procedure to certify the compliance of the  finished product with the Meters and More protocol. This will guarantee interoperability among the devices that implement Meters and More protocol.

Further, the Vice-Chairperson, Rocio Milan Navarro points out that : "In Spain more than 250.000 meters are already installed with the Meters and More technology within Endesa' grid and the goal is to surpass 1 million by the end of this year. I am also very happy to underline that Meters and More protocol has obtained a very positive recognition  in the framework of the OPEN meter Consortium (OPEN meter. Energy Project No 226369. Funded by EC)".

Indeed, during the General Meeting, it has been highlighted that Meters and More protocol has been submitted to an external evaluation process in the framework of the OPEN meter project, with very positive  conclusions: "All the tests performed both in the laboratory at RSE SpA in Milan and at the field in the premises of Endesa at Seville were completed successfully showing that Meters and More fulfilled the system requirements and functionalities defined in the Open Meter Project, including firmware update mechanism. During Meters and More field tests participants and auditors had the opportunity to visit  certified remotely operated meters, which are part of the Endesa's mass roll out, at customers' premises to check the results obtained under real world conditions. Furthermore, the executed interoperability tests have been successful. The positive results of the detailed technical, functional and interoperability tests, show that the specifications of Meters and More tec

hnology are mature, implementable and ready for the standardization process. No further recommendations are necessary." (Report on Final Test Results and Recommendations ).

The Directeur Général Giacomo Gargano finally said: "I wish to thank the team involved to reach this very important result. Indeed Meters and More protocol has been recognized as a mature and robust technology. This is a significant and necessary step, but the task has not been finished yet and we still need to work with the European standardization bodies, CEN,  CENELEC and ETSI to reach our goal".


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