The Green Economy: MEPs must make it become reality!
As the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee prepares for a crucial vote on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) next week, MEPs face a critical moment in the fight to preserve Europe’s commitment to a green, efficient and low carbon economy.
The Directive, first tabled by the European Commission in June 2011, intends to address the ‘low-hanging fruit’ which can deliver large energy savings at a relatively low cost by encouraging the deep renovation of Europe’s buildings and helping households to use energy more efficiently. However, there have been attempts both in the Parliament and Council to undermine this with amendments aimed at watering down the key proposals.
Energy Efficiency represents a unique opportunity for Europe that must be seized: the right policy impetus can put people to work, contribute to Europe’s competitiveness, and support economic recovery. ‘In today’s climate, with sovereign credit downgrades, dismal growth outlooks, Europe’s ever-increasing dependence on expensive overseas energy supplies, bold decisions are required if Europe is to achieve its energy and green growth objectives’ says Bertrand Cazes, Secretary General of Glass for Europe. ‘It is clear that concrete actions to reduce energy consumption in buildings, will reduce energy poverty whilst stimulating European green growth and job creation at the same time’.
The technologies to make these energy efficient savings a reality already exist today, but to date the political will has been lacking at critical moments. In next week’s vote, MEPs can demonstrate leadership by standing their ground in support of concrete measures to prioritize building renovation, including a compulsory and ambitious deep renovation rate for public buildings. This will send a strong political signal that Europe is serious and ready to commit and deliver for a sustainable economic recovery path.
For more information, please contact Bertrand Cazes, info@glassforeurope.com, +32.(0)2.538.43.77
About Glass for Europe
Glass for Europe is the trade association for Europe’s manufacturers of flat glass. Flat glass is the material that goes into a variety of end-products and primarily in windows and façades for buildings, windscreens and windows for automotive and transport as well as glass covers, connectors and mirrors for solar-energy equipment. Flat glass is also used for many other applications such as furniture, electronics, appliances, etc.
Glass for Europe has four members: AGC Glass Europe, NSG-Group, Saint-Gobain Glass and Sisecam-Trakya Cam and works in association with Guardian. Altogether, these five companies represent 90% of Europe’s flat glass production.
Glass for Europe firmly believes that state-of-the-art glass can play a vital role in achieving the EU’s energy saving targets and promotes ambitious mechanisms to support the market uptake of energy-efficient glass technologies.
This press release can be downloaded via the following link: http://www.glassforeurope.com/images/cont/38_69809_file.pdf