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GLE launches the 'LNG New Services Inventory' with focus on Small Scale LNG


19 Feb 2014



GLE launches the 'LNG New Services Inventory' with focus on Small Scale LNG

Today 19 February 2014 the LNG New Services Inventory has been made available online. The inventory provides an overview of the new services offered by the GLE members to meet the market needs. In addition, it has a special focus on small scale LNG. Wim Groenendijk, GLE President, stated: “A new market for natural gas is rapidly growing with significant potential for reducing emissions. LNG is reaching markets previously inaccessible to pipeline gas: as a fuel for heavy transport and for communities in off-grid locations.

The 5 services shown in the GLE LNG New Services Inventory include:

  • reloading, the transfer of LNG from the LNG reservoirs of the terminal into a vessel;
  • transhipment, the direct transfer of LNG from one vessel into another;
  • loading of bunkering ships, the loading of LNG on bunkering ships which transport LNG in smaller quantities;
  • truck loading, the loading of LNG on tank trucks which transport LNG in smaller quantities;
  • rail loading, the loading of LNG on railcars.

Most of these services are already being provided at various terminals around Europe, or are under development, with the exception of rail loading, which is not offered yet in Europe but could be a future option.

The GLE LNG New Services Inventory shows the minimum ship size, the hourly capacity and use of these services in the past. The data are presented per terminal of the GLE members. It is part of the European small scale LNG infrastructure map which will be launched by GLE in the next few weeks.

Wim Groenendijk: “This is the first issue of the GLE LNG New Services Inventory, and will be further improved over time. We welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.

The GLE LNG New Services Inventory is accessible at:

Note to Editors

Gas LNG Europe (GLE) currently comprises 15 European LNG terminal operators from 9 countries, representing around 90% of all the existing LNG regasification capacity in Europe. GLE is one of the columns of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators.

GLE is committed to promoting the development of a fully operational European internal market for LNG and the creation of a stable and predictable regulatory framework which is conductive to investments and which ensures transparency and non‐discriminatory treatment.

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