Gas for Climate is expanding and supports the EU Green Deal


Wed, 12/18/2019


Climate & Environment
  • Gas for Climate welcomes the EU's increased ambition to fight climate change
  • Consortium now designing pathways to scale-up renewable gas towards 2050
  • ONTRAS and Energinet have joined the Gas for Climate consortium

Gas for Climate, the future oriented gas sector initiative that supports full decarbonisation of the energy system by 2050, welcomes the EU Green Deal. Having embraced climate neutrality since its inception in 2017, the consortium welcomes the increase in ambition level to fight climate change as reflected in the EU Green Deal. The Green Deal announces plans to enhance support for the decarbonisation of the gas sector and highlights the role for clean hydrogen. “Gas for Climate members are ready to play their part”, says Daniel Muthmann, chair of the consortium.

After its thorough and groundbreaking analysis on the role that renewable and low carbon gas and gas infrastructure can play in a net-zero emission EU energy system by 2050, Gas for Climate is currently undertaking a new analysis. The group is preparing scale-up pathways for renewable gases between today and 2030-2050 including an analysis of the implications for gas infrastructure. This analysis, to be published in early Q2 2020, will contain proposals for the EU Green Deal on how to make best use of gas infrastructure as a valuable asset to achieve a fast, efficient and sustainable decarbonisation at the lowest possible cost.

ONTRAS and Energinet have joined Gas for Climate

With ONTRAS the second largest German gas infrastructure operator and Energinet, the Danish national gas infrastructure operator, Gas for Climate now covers the main gas TSOs in seven EU Member States.

Muthmann says: ‘ONTRAS and Energinet share our belief in fast and deep decarbonisation with a crucial role for gas infrastructure. This strengthens Gas for Climate as the leading initiative on gas infrastructure decarbonisation’.

Both ONTRAS and Energinet have performed many pioneering projects in the field of renewable gases and are currently investing in green gas infrastructure.

Torben Brabo, CEO of Energinet Gas TSO says: “A smart and efficient green transition requires new partnerships, joining Gas for Climate fits well with the direction Energinet wants to go on sector coupling and greening the gas infrastructure.”

Ralph Bahke, Managing Director of ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH says: “Since the foundation of ONTRAS, we have focused on finding sustainable solutions for the future utilisation of our gas infrastructure. By engaging in Gas for Climate, we are actively working towards our vision of a 100% carbon-neutral gas supply by 2050."

Gas for Climate was initiated in 2017 to analyse and create awareness about the role of renewable and low carbon gas in the future energy system in full compliance with the Paris Agreement target. The Gas for Climate group consists of nine leading European gas transport companies (Enagás, Energinet, Fluxys Belgium, Gasunie, GRTgaz, ONTRAS, Open Grid Europe, Snam and Teréga) and two renewable gas and farmers industry associations (European Biogas Association and Consorzio Italiano Biogas). For more information please see