Future Fast Flexible (F3) Factory Now Launched


Wed, 06/10/2009


Innovation & Enterprise

The F3 Factory, one of the visionary projects of the EU Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) has now been officially launched. The launch of this Factory of the Future comes following 5 years’ hard work and collaboration between the various industry partners in SusChem.

Innovative technology made possible by the SusChem programme includes the Smart Energy Home and F3 Factory, all cutting-edge projects which contribute
to the sustainability of the industry. The F3 Factory allows for faster, more efficient and more flexible production, using techniques such as process
intensification (PI) to design the chemical factory of the future.

SusChem Chairman Rodney Townsend said “We welcome the launch of the F3 Factory - another example of the SusChem approach - and thank the companies and the EU for their support. If the F3 production model were extended on a broader scale, massive savings in cost and energy could be
made - almost 4 billion euro according to the consortium”.

The official press release from Bayer is available at: www.press.bayer.com/baynews/baynews.ns /id/1F3ACA6642291418C12575CF0023355B?Open&ccm=001

For questions, article or interview requests, contact:
Annie Mutamba, Cefic Research & Innovation Communications, +32 2 6767337, amu@cefic.be

Kathryn Sheridan, Sus t a inabi l i t y Consul t , +32 496 116198,ks@sustainabilityconsult.com


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