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Future European Funding for Wales


Tue, 02/01/2011


Climate & Environment
Regional Policy

With no help from Westminster, Wales must look for support elsewhere

Plaid Cymru President, Jill Evans MEP, today submitted her party's response to the European Commission's consultation on the future of European funding.

Unfortunately, West Wales and the Valleys are likely to again meet the criteria to receive the highest category of EU funding; meaning Wales is still one of the poorest regions in the EU.

Jill Evans, Plaid MEP for Wales, said:

"In these difficult economic times EU funding has become more important than ever to support Welsh jobs. This UK Government, like the Labour Government before it, is trying to scrap European funding altogether, with no guarantee that it will be replaced with money from the UK. Given the Government's obvious lack of commitment to projects that the Welsh economy so desperately needs, such as rail electrification from London to Swansea, we can say with certainty that the voice of Wales needs to be heard loud and clear in Europe.

"This is why Plaid has once again submitted our own proposals to the Commission on how European funding should continue after 2013. As well as that, we need to make it simpler for people to apply for European funds and strengthen the partnership between elected bodies, education, the private and public sectors. Wales's voice must be heard loud and clear in the EU and so Plaid will continue to ensure this is the case".

Although the ultimate aim for Wales is to no longer require such levels of EU funding, for the time being they have become an important element in efforts to improve the Welsh economy. Already the funds have been used by the Welsh Government to support over 50,000 jobs and 3,000 companies, as well as helping over 100,000 people into work or further learning.


Steven Cornelius
EFA Communications & Press Officer / Attaché de communications & presse ALE
Green / EFA Group in the European Parliament
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The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament includes MEPs from Scotland, Wales, Flanders, Catalonia, Corsica and Latvia, who advance the cause of Europe's stateless nations, regions and disadvantaged minorities.


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