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FoodDrinkEurope welcomes the Council’s green light for the Regulation on food information to consumers


29 Sep 2011


Health & Consumers

29 September 2011 - FoodDrinkEurope welcomes the Council’s adoption of the Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers today, after which the Regulation will be published in the EU’s Official Journal, enabling it to come into force.

Marking the next stage in what has been a long and often arduous process, FoodDrinkEurope welcomes today’s developments and looks to the EU institutions to ensure the Regulation is implemented in line with its original objectives – to streamline and harmonise existing legislation, improving the information available to consumers.

Given that much still needs to be decided, FoodDrinkEurope now calls on the Commission to ensure the issues left on the table, for example the impact assessment on country of origin labelling, is done in consultation with stakeholders to ensure the final outcome results in a workable solution for consumers and manufacturers alike.

Speaking after the Regulation’s adoption, Jesús Serafín Pérez, FoodDrinkEurope’s President, commented: “FoodDrinkEurope looks forward to working with EU decision-makers to ensure the Regulation is implemented in the coming years, providing consumers with the information needed to make the right choices and promoting the industry’s competitiveness”.

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For further information:

Lisa McCooey, Communications Director

Tel. +32 2 514 11 11, Mob. +32 476 911 300


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