8 April 2024, Brussels – The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) European Bureau publishes its Mobility Manifesto for the upcoming European Elections.
The freedom of movement has been a fundamental right in the EU since its inception, making mobility an important enabler of this freedom. How citizens reach work, run errands, and travel within the region ultimately contribute to the bloc’s economy. Mobility contributes 5% towards the EU’s GDP and provides around 10 million jobs in the transport sector.
The FIA European Bureau calls on the incoming Members of the European Parliament to ensure mobility remains accessible and affordable for all. The manifesto calls for a holistic transition towards sustainable mobility that leaves no one behind; leveraging the benefits of digitalisation in the automotive sector; and increasing road safety measures and educational campaigns to meet the EU’s vision of zero road accidents by 2050.
“The Mobility Manifesto brings together the views and priorities of the FIA European Bureau’s members, who together represent the interests of 40 million mobility users across Europe. The manifesto brings forward the realities and the needs to make mobility accessible for all,” stated Jorge F. Delgado, FIA Region I President.
The increasing costs of living, the push towards electric vehicles, and the significant efforts still needed to meet road safety ambitions all strongly impact the mobility landscape. Members of the European Parliament need to make sure that EU citizens are provided with enough safeguards to guarantee their freedom of movement.
“The FIA European Bureau remains committed to working with EU representatives in the next mandate to ensure sustainable, affordable and safe mobility for all,” said Laurianne Krid, FIA Region I Director General.
Read the manifesto here
About the FIA European Bureau
The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) European Bureau, headquartered in Brussels, represents 66 Mobility Clubs, collectively representing over 40 million members across Europe. As advocates for motorists, riders, pedestrians, and passengers, the FIA European Bureau strives to ensure safe, affordable, clean, and efficient mobility solutions for all.
For press enquiries, please contact:
Lisandra Fesalbon
Communications Manager
FIA Region I