FEP October Press Release
The Board of Directors of the European Federation of the Parquet Industry met in Brussels on 17 October 2012 and discussed both the parquet situation and recent indicators on the European market.
The observations and forecasts provided by the individual country representatives confirm the April impressions: 2012 will prove another challenging year for the European parquet producers. As witnessed for months and even years now, important variations remain present at country level. Even the better performing markets seem to lose some of their momentum but should however close the year with a small increase in consumption. Considering the unfavourable picture on the construction market, which weighs heavily upon our sector, this polarized picture is unfortunately still bound to continue.
To read the full PR, please see the document in attachment.
FEP, Brussels, October 2012
For more information, please contact FEP (E. Varga) at +32 2 556 25 87 or via info@parquet.net.