FEDIOL’s General Assembly elects Jordi Costa as new President
Brussels, 17 June 2021 - At its virtual meeting held today, the General Assembly of FEDIOL, the association representing the EU vegetable oil and protein meal industry, elected Mr Jordi Costa as President of FEDIOL for the 2021-2023 mandate.
FEDIOL members also renewed the mandate of Mr John Grossmann (Archer Daniels Midland Company) as Vice-President for a one-year term.
“I take up this role at a crucial time for the oilseed crushing and vegetable oil refining sector. Reducing our environmental impact to meet the climate neutrality objective entails fundamental changes in our food system. We are ready to be part of the solution to these major challenges by responding to market demand and to the expectations of society” – declared Mr Costa, who currently holds the position of Vice-President Europe Softseed Crush within Bunge.
Mr Costa began his career in 1999 as Mediterranean Commercial Director and since then held different management positions with regional, European and global scope. He has been a member of the FEDIOL Executive Board since June 2012.