Is Farm to Fork the Agriculture Revolution we Need: Live event with MEP Norbert Lins, MEP Mazaly Aguilar, and Marcel Kuntz Is Farm to Fork the Agriculture Revolution we Need?
Join the Consumer Choice Center for a live discussion on the future of agriculture with MEP Norbert Lins, MEP Mazaly Aguilar, and Marcel Kunst of the National Centre for Scientific Research in France.
CCC Senior Policy Analyst Bill Wirtz will host an informative conversation with MEP Norbert Lins, MEP Mazaly Aguilar, and Marcel Kuntz of the National Centre for Scientific Research in France.
“The COVID crisis demonstrates how important the EU food sector is in securing food supplies and the Agriculture Committee will work hard to improve the strategy by incorporating the lessons learnt from the crisis. he Farm to Fork strategy can only be successful if there is a balance between the Farm and the Fork,” said MEP Norbert Lins.
“To meet the challenge of agricultural sustainability, innovation must be one of the key solutions promoted. Through innovation, we can aim to provide farmers with the tools to make their production more profitable, competitive and environmentally friendly,” said MEP Mazaly Aguilar.
“During the event, we will address the following questions: are these proposals real solutions for sustainable farming? Are they in accordance with our current scientific knowledge? What consequences should we expect for farmers and consumers?” said Bill Wirtz, Senior Policy Analyst at the Consumer Choice Center.
Marcel Kunzt will also join the webinar. Marcel Kuntz is a French plant biotechnologist who is a Research Director in the Laboratory of Plant and Cell Physiology at the Centre National Centre for Scientific Research in Grenoble, France. He is known for his criticisms of the ways that the French government and popular media have exaggerated the risks associated with genetic engineering.
In the last decades, Europe has taken an ideological position on the question of technological risks. Its dream of avoiding all risks leads to losing out on benefits in many areas." said kunzt
Event Details:
Wednesday, July 7th
5 pm - 6 pm CET
Register here to receive the live stream link prior to the event.
***CCC’s Senior Policy Analyst Bill Wirtz is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***