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Experts confirm illegality of intrusive medical test for MEP assistants


Tue, 06/08/2010


Health & Consumers

Slamming the European Parliament's mandatory medical examination for MEP assistants as an infringement of data protection rights, the GUE/NGL political group has released an expert opinion commissioned by the group which confirms that the tests are in breach of data protection rights.





"Back in 2007 the European Data Protection Supervisor expressed his concerns about the excessiveness of the examination and the possible discrimination to which it could lead. He especially recommended the elimination of questions about family illnesses, psychological problems, menstruation and life-style", German MEP Cornelia Ernst said following the release of the opinion.




Ernst had contacted the president of the European Parliament last December on the issue to seek confirmation as to whether the examination was in line with European data protection law. She was told that there was no reason for complaint but sought an expert opinion to test the claim that the intrusive examination was lawful.




"The experts have concluded that, on the one hand, the legal basis for the examination is not clear and on the other hand, the selection serving data assessment is inadmissible from a data protection perspective" she said, calling for clarification of the legal basis and implementation rules surrounding the examination.




MEP assistants are now proposing that a moratorium be introduced to exempt them from the mandatory examination and that protects them from legal consequences until the statute is revised and the situation clarified.





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