European Socialists gather in Warsaw on ‘Renewal’ agenda
“European needs to be the authors of its own new
Marshall Plan”says PES President
500 representatives of the Party of European Socialists (PES) are meeting in Warsaw on 2-3 December for their Council. Under the theme ‘renew’, the gathering is set to adopt far reaching policies as well as decisions on party structures.
Speaking before the opening, PES President, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, stated that; “The PES is meeting at a time of European crisis. In Warsaw, we will show that our European Party has the answers. Our path, including a European Stability Agency, a European Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), and an Employment and Social Progress Pact, is the balanced way”.
Mr. Rasmussen stated that; “As mentioned in Ireland recently, the current plan for the crisis, dictated by Ms. Merkel, is like a new a Treaty of Versailles for Europe – it will end in tears. What Europe needs is to be the author of its own new Marshall Plan”.
The first day of the Council will see Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou address the audience of political representatives and activists. He will speak on the urgent need for Social Democracy to reconnect with the concerns of Europeans.
For Video Coverage of the PES Council please go to www.pes.org
Background Note – PES Agenda for Warsaw Council
Economic Governance:
· To come up with a common position to address the crisis of the euro-zone based on fiscal responsibility, last resort solidarity and a stronger cooperation for growth and jobs
· Ongoing reform of the Stability Pact should also create room for growth. The European Stability Mechanism should provide a real protection against default. The European strategy for growth and jobs should be equipped with more resources coming from FTT, green taxation, Eurobonds. The Community budget should support these priorities and count on new resources. Our campaign for FTT should also push in this direction.
· National budgets should be coupled with national plans to promote a greener, smarter and inclusive growth to be presented at European level
Progressive Societies
* To launch a larger and deeper debate on renewing our response to the new challenges ahead of us, with a full use of the Re:new online platform
* To prepare the Declaration of Principles for 2011 and the Fundamental Programme for 2012
Modernizing the Party
* To decide and engage on a procedure to select a PES candidate for the next European elections
* To strengthen the instruments for joint work between the PES and the national parties regarding policy-making, communication and political action
* To build a broader coalition to promote a progressive Europe
For more please contact:
Brian Synnott PES Media Adviser: +32 474 98 96 75 brian.synnott@pes.org