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The European pulp and paper industry presents its contribution to the Three Billion Trees Initiative


Mon, 10/25/2021


Sustainable Dev.

The European pulp and paper industry fully supports the European Commission’s initiative to plant three billion additional trees in the EU by 2030. Cepi is ready to contribute to the long-term sustainable growth of forests. We believe this is the right strategy: forests need to be grown more, rather than their use limited.

Together with the forest owning and managing companies from our sector, we are committing to reinforce our efforts towards the objective of the initiative, from our own forests to those managed by our suppliers. Cepi’s contribution to the Three Billion Trees Objective offers concrete ways in which our industry can support: through our experience in ensuring regeneration of harvested areas, afforestation and reforestation, climate-smart forest integration, and our expertise on digitalisation and information systems, the European pulp and paper industry has the necessary “tools” to help make the initiative a success.

Our companies, operating in the European forest-based sector have a longstanding history in owning and managing forest land in Europe and have a strategic interest on keeping forests healthy and growing,” says Jori Ringman, Cepi Director General. “The European Pulp and Paper industry is ready to contribute to the Three Billion Trees Initiative and to continue to provide the wider society with forest fibre-based products which replace fossil-based alternatives that are harmful in terms of climate and environment.”

We need more forests in Europe but a short-term tree-planting exercise will not be sufficient to reach the EU’s climate objectives. A consistent EU and national policy framework for forests and the forest-based sector enable us to fully contribute to a successful transition towards fossil-free and sustainable solutions for everyday needs of the citizens.

Cepi’s contribution to the Three Billion Trees Objective is available here.


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