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"European Members of Parliaments adopt the Declaration of Budapest 2008"


Fri, 11/14/2008

EUFORES Press Release

Budapest, Brussels, 10th November 2008

European Members of Parliaments adopt the Declaration of Budapest 2008

On  7th November  2008 the 8th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting (IPM8) organised by

EUFORES brought together over 60 European and national Parliamentarians from 19 EU
Member States. The Parliamentarians discussed in two sessions  the negotiation status
of the new European Framework Directive for  Renewable Energy (RES) as  well as the
status of the national Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).
The high level meeting in the beautiful Parliament of Hungary led to the adoption of the
Declaration of Budapest 2008 on future EU policies in the field of renewable energy and
energy efficiency.
The Parliamentarians call for a  clear and ambitious Framework Directive on Renewable
Energy and define key claims for the design  of this new European legislation. They  also
urge Member States to implement, monitor and improve energy efficiency measures listed
in their respective national Energy Efficiency Action Plans as well as work on the improve-
ment of the second round of national Energy Efficiency Action Plans.
The  Parliamentarians stress that  particularly  in these  times of  financial  crisis,  energy effi-
ciency measures and renewable energy have to be supported.  The EU`s responsibility and
credibility  to  honour  its  energy  and  environmental  commitments  also  have  to  be  rein-
forced. Renewable energy sources and energy efficiency tackle the issues of energy pov-
erty, reduce the dependency on energy imports, enforce competitiveness  and limit  the
effects of climate change.
EUFORES - the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - is a European parliamen-
tary network and an independent Non-Profit Organization aimed at promoting renewable
energy in Europe.

EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-65, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Tel.: +32(2)5461948, Fax: +32(2)5461934;



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