European Health Forum Gastein shortlists five projects for the European Health Award 2018


Fri, 08/31/2018


Health & Consumers


 European Health Forum Gastein shortlists five projects for the European Health Award 2018

  • The winning project will be announced at the European Health Forum Gastein 2018 (3-5 October 2018)
  • Each of the shortlisted projects uniquely contributes to improving public health or health care in Europe.
  • Patientempowerment and well-being, as well as disease preventionare at the heart of the initiatives selected to win this year’sEuropean Health Award.


Bad Hofgastein, August 2018–The European Health Forum Gastein is proud to present the fivecutting-edge projects that are in the running for the prestigious €10,000 European Health Award 2018.

Sponsored byAustria’s Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, the European Health Award honours initiatives that help tackle some of Europe’s most pressing health challenges. This year’swinner willbe selectedby a panel of leading health experts andwill be announced at the 21th edition of the European Health Forum Gastein,an official event of the Austrian European Council Presidency, from 3-5October2018.

Projectseligible to receive the European Health Award fulfil several criteria. First, the projectsinvolve more than oneEuropean country. Secondly,they bring innovative andsustainablesolutions to significant health threats in Europe and, finally, the projects or their results can betransferred toother regions.

EHFG President Dr Clemens Martin Auer expressed his delightwith this selection of initiatives:“The shortlisted projects reflect the spirit of the EHFG as a platform for cross-sector cooperationand a place that fosters the exchange of bold ideas, good practices and, above all, acommitment to sustainable health in Europe.”

Last year, the European Health Awardwas bestowed upon theGen-Equip project. Driven by the mission to advance healthcare for patients at risk of a condition with an underlying genetic cause, this initiativewas launched to offer free, online genetics education forgeneral practitioners, nurses, midwives, and other health professionals providing primary care.

The 2018 short-list in detail:

Project 1: Marie Curie Legacy Campaign

The Marie Curie Legacy Campa ign aims to reduce the existing perception barriers around the uptake of radiotherapy (RT) in cancer care. To this end, the campaign is focused on raising awareness of and improving the understanding of RT, ensuring that policy-makers are equipped with the necessary tools to make informed decisions.

 Project 2: MoodBuster

MoodBuster is a data-driven ICT platform for theprevention and treatment of depression. Combining mobile and internet technologies for patients and health providers, and for research and educational purposes, the project aims to increase access to low-cost prevention and treatment for people suffering from depression.

Project 3:Survivorship Passport

The Survivorship Passport is an innovative tool that mapsthe medical history of childhood cancer survivors. This tool helps to inform health professionals of the potential risks survivors run due the treatment they received in the past, preventingor delayingthe development of severe chronic conditions in childhood cancer survivors.

Project 4: European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights

The European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights (BoR) helps toaddress cancer inequalities across Europeby mapping exactly which inequalities cancer patientsface. This intelligenceis consequently usedto develop a strategy to combat existinginequalities at local, national and European levels.

Project 5: Frühe Hilfen

FrüheHilfen(early childhood interventions)aimstopromote healthy early childhood developmentand equal opportunitiesby supporting families that experience poverty, mental health problems, orisolation during the pregnancy andfirst three years of a child's life.


For further information on the EHA: 

European Health Forum Gastein

Contact for media enquiries

Press Office European Health Forum Gastein | +32 2 321 90 16




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