European Health Forum Gastein invites applications for European Health Awards
Bad Hofgastein, 4 June 2010 – At the forefront of its annual congress which takes place this year from 6 to 9 October, the European Health Forum Gastein has again initiated the European Health Award worth 10,000 Euro. “The purpose of this award is to promote initiatives which have made a significant contribution to major challenges facing the health systems in more than one European country“, says the EHFG President, Dr. Günther Leiner. “It is especially directed at creative projects, which help to eliminate inequality in access to services and the provision of treatment. “
The award, last year, went to the “European Practice Assessment“ (EPA) project, which improved the cross-border knowledge and experience exchange for primary care general practitioners. In 2008 the award was won for the CAWT Kidney Project, a cross-border cooperation project for improving the quality of nephrological care, in 2007 the ”European Alliance against Depression“ received the award.
The selection criteria
A health policy initiative of European importance that focuses on public health or health care delivery addressing an important threat to the health of the population.
The initiative must demonstrate a benefit to the health and health care of the population in terms of prevention, improving quality of care, access, efficiency and cost effectiveness of care.
The initiative should already be in an introductory phase in at least two European countries but need not at the time of the application be already completed. Applicability to other European countries should be demonstrated.
Expected outcomes and improvements as well as initial results must be shown and be measureable.
The health policy initiative must be transferable to other countries.
Applications to be considered for the award must be submitted by 11 June 2010 – Information and application forms can be found at www.ehfg.org.
Members of the Jury
Nicola Bedlington, Director, European Patients' Forum
Professor Dr Günther Leiner, President EHFG
Professor Dr Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Antonyia Parvanova, MEP
Dr. Andrzej Rys, European Commission, Directorate - General Health and Consumers, Director of Public Health & Risk Assessment
Christian Lenz, Senior Director Outcomes Research Oncology Europe, Pfizer
EHFG Press Office:
Dr. Birgit Kofler
B&K Medien- und Kommunikationsberatung GmbH
Tel.: +43/(0)1 / 319 43 78 13, Mobile: +43/(0)676 636 89 30
E-mail: kofler@bkkommunikation.com