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The European Commission imposed provisional anti-dumping measures on imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China


Fri, 11/16/2012



The European Commission today imposed provisional anti-dumping duties against imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware originating in China. The duties range from 17.6% to 31.2% for all the Chinese companies that cooperated with the Commission's investigation. A residual duty of 58.8% applies to other Chinese companies that chose not to cooperate.

FEPF would like to stress its support of the imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware originating in China. The product categories cover the full range of table- and kitchenware ceramics – be they made from porcelain, earthenware, stoneware, common pottery or other ceramic materials. The duties introduced as of 15 November 2012 are necessary to remedy unfair trade practices and establish a level playing field.

FEPF understands that after the European Commission carried out the necessary investigation, it concluded that the imposition of provisional duties was justified under WTO rules and the EU basic anti-dumping Regulation. Accordingly, the investigation demonstrated that Chinese exports of ceramic table- and kitchenware are dumped and cause material injury to EU producers and that the adoption of anti-dumping duties is in the interest of the EU. FEPF understands that Member States representing more than two thirds of the EU population have supported the imposition of provisional measures.

The imposition of duties will re-establish a fair competition in the EU table- and kitchenware market.

The fact that no investigated Chinese producer was found to be operating under normal market economy conditions speaks volumes and explains the extent of this unfair trade practice. Furthermore, it should be noted that several other countries (e.g. Colombia, Indonesia, Egypt and Argentina) have already instituted anti-dumping measures against Chinese imports, at much higher rates.

As foreseen by the WTO rules and the EU relevant legislation, trade defence measures do not aim to block or limit any trade flows, but only to secure the level playing field against unfair trade practices. Therefore, after the imposition of provisional duties imports from China will fairly compete with EU products and imports from other third countries. “Fair competition strengthens the injured European manufacturers and ensures a wider choice at competitive prices to the final consumers” stresses FEPF’s President Mr. Gérard Zink.

The complaint was lodged on 3 January 2012 on behalf of EU producers of ceramic table- and kitchenware, assisted and represented by their industry associations and lawyers, most notably FEPF, the European Federation, Verband der Keramischen Industrie e. V. and Confindustria Ceramica. After of the imposition of provisional duties a decision regarding definitive measures must be taken by 15 May 2013.

To find out more about this case, please consult the EU Ceramic Industry Brief and the Questions & Answers document. To read more about anti-dumping rules, please click here.


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