Europe must stand firm and united towards China
12 Sep 2018
Global Europe
The EU needs a more robust strategy towards China, reflecting new geopolitical realities. As a global power, China must take responsibility to tackle global challenges such as climate change, WTO reform, migration or terrorism. Endorsed by the S&D Group, this is the main message of the resolution that will be adopted later today by the European Parliament, following yesterday’s debate on the EU-China relations.
S&D MEP Jo Leinen, Chairman of the EP-China delegation said:
"Together, Europe and China must ensure that we can keep relying on a rules-based global order. China should team up with the EU to start a meaningful reform of the World Trade Organization, to advance the implementation of the Paris climate agreement, and to make the United Nations and its organisations more effective and more representative.
“Nonetheless, China's growing assertiveness on the global stage means that the EU must implement its strategy towards China in a more coherent and strategic way, and develop more own initiatives. Chinese mega-projects like the New Silk Road as well as its growing engagement in Africa are massive challenges for Europe and need suitable answers. The EU should look for synergies with China in its development strategy for Africa and present an own connectivity concept for safe transport links to Asia.
“With regard to human rights, the situation in China keeps worsening. The growing repression is a contradiction to the economic progress. Free speech and freedom of the press must be an integral part of a modern society".
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