EuropaBio Event: The European Biotechnology Industry Will Deliver on Responsible Innovation
Yesterday, a broad range of regulators, CEOs, VCs, stakeholders, industry representatives and journalists met to share their perspectives on the role of biotechnology in contributing to the creation of Europe’s Innovation Union.
Speakers from across Europe in the healthcare, industrial and agricultural sectors communicated their views on how biotechnology is creating more jobs, improving lives and building a greener and healthier society. They outlined how these changes are being made through benefits in major areas of concern for European citizens including healthy living and ageing, climate change and food and energy security.
Speaking at the event, EuropaBio Chairman, Andrea Rappagliosi said: “Biotechnology has the potential to help make Europe a world-class science performer providing smart, sustainable and inclusive solutions for citizens, patients and consumers for 2020 and beyond. Our industry is willing to be held accountable for delivering products and solutions that have a demonstrable value in order to retain and strengthen state-of-the-art research and development in Europe. We are committed to playing our role in this process together with regulators, civil society and a broad range of stakeholders.”
In a video address, specially prepared for the event, President Barroso underlined that “Europe needs an innovative R&D oriented and responsible biotech industry. An industry which is rooted in the middle of our societies, because it offers concrete solutions to its many challenges, because it offers high quality employment, because it drives economic growth.”
Commissioner John Dalli, who gave the opening speech on the day, emphasised that “efforts by industry must be underpinned by a predictable regulatory environment and legal certainty for operators” in the context that “the European biotechnology industry has been a leader worldwide, from its research and development capacity to its success in diffusing these innovations globally.”
The event was concluded by the presentation of EuropaBio’s Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award by Paola Testori Coggi, Director General of DG Health and Consumer Policy to winners, Addex Pharmaceuticals. Chris Maggos, Member of the Executive Management Board of Addex Pharmaceuticals received the Award on behalf of the company together with a prize of €10,000 and two years free membership of EuropaBio.
EuropaBio Secretary General, Nathalie Moll concluded: “The support shown today to our existing and flourishing European biotechnology industry by President Barroso and by Commissioner Dalli are fundamental messages for EuropaBio and its members. In order for biotech to continue to provide the innovative solutions to some of society’s biggest challenges, we will need to work together to ensure a supportive regulatory and financial environment that keeps companies in Europe and attracts others to join us. Our commitment to communicating the benefits of this technology, to all audiences, is ongoing, and we look forward to playing our part in creating a smarter, more sustainable and more inclusive Europe. ”
Nathalie Moll
Secretary General, EuropaBio
Tel: +32 2 739 11 71; Email: n.moll@europabio.org
Joanna Dupont Inglis
Communications Manager, EuropaBio
Tel: +32 2 739 11 84; GSM: +32 476 60 71 35 Email: j.dupont@europabio.org
EuropaBio is the European Association for Bioindustries, bringing together bioscience companies from all fields of research and development, testing, manufacturing and distribution of biotechnology products. It has 66 corporate and 7 associated members, 4 BioRegions and 22 National Biotechnology Associations representing some 1800 small and medium sized enterprises.