EU-US Information Society Dialogue - ETNO and EABC call for a transatlantic digital agenda
Brussels – How to ensure that ICT policies reflect the increasingly global environment is the main theme of a Digital Economy Workshop hosted on 9-10 February jointly by ETNO and the European-American Business Council (EABC) in the confines of the EU-US Information Society Dialogue, with the participation among others of Robert Madelin, Director General DG Information Society, William Kennard, US Ambassador to the US, Lawrence Strickling, NTIA and Media.
“ETNO strongly welcomes the EU-US Information Society Dialogue, as in today’s globalized economy and with the development of new solutions such as cloud computing, cross-border data flows will continue to increase. Reinforced cooperation on ICT policies between the EU and the US, both at institutional level and within the private sector is therefore essential. On both sides of the Atlantic, cooperation is needed for a dynamic development of business models between different levels of the internet in order to allow for sustained investment in broadband networks and thereby ensure the long-term viability and innovation-capacity of the internet in the face of rapid traffic growth”, says Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chairman.
“The 75 EABC member companies join ETNO in their support of US-EU cooperation on key digital economy policies”, says Michael Maibach, President & CEO of the EABC. “Digital technologies have spurred the growth of every sector of the global economy, adding intelligence and productivity in thousands of ways. We call upon Washington and Brussels government leaders to work together to find win-win policy approaches that open markets and enhance innovation and investment”.
ETNO and EABC call for a closer relationship and cooperation between EU and US authorities and between private telecoms and ICT players on both sides of the Atlantic, as many issues such as cyber security have a global character and need therefore a global response.
With the development of cloud computing solutions, EU-US collaboration on cross-border data transfer is also essential.
Meeting future demand for spectrum was also a main theme for discussion. Building on the experience of the US, ETNO calls on the European Parliament and Council for a swift adoption of the Commission multi-annual radio-spectrum policy programme which aims at opening up the digital dividend spectrum band by 2013 and at achieving a greater harmonisation.
The workshop also involved many officials from the European Commission, the FCC, the US National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the US Mission to the EU and representatives from EU and US telecoms businesses.
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About EABC
Chartered in 1989, the European-American Business Council (EABC) has grown to become the largest trans-Atlantic trade association, featuring 75 member companies. The EABC is recognized as the official European Business Organization in America by the European Commission. The US Chairman of the EABC Board is the Honorable Stuart Eizenstat, former US Ambassador to the EU, and the EU Chairman is the Honorable Hugo Paemen, former EU Ambassador to the US.
For more information about EABC and its members, please visit: www.EABC.org or contact Justin Kintz, EABC Membership & Media Manager, at 1-(202) 828-9105 or justin.kintz@eabc.org.
About ETNO
ETNO’s 40 member companies from 35 European countries represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than €250 billion and employ over one million people across Europe. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.
For more information, please contact Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager Tel: (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax: (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail: dieu@etno.be