The EU transport climate objectives can only be met with more sustainable biodiesel
European biodiesel producers publish their contribution to FF55 debate
BRUSSELS, 2 February 2022: the European Biodiesel Board (EBB), gathering European producers of biodiesel (FAME & HVO) from all types of sustainable feedstocks, is publishing its High-Level Position Paper on the Fit for 55 legislative package.[1]
As discussions on the proposed Fit for 55 (FF55) package progress in Brussels, the latest UN IPCC report on Climate Change[2] reinforced the need for the EU to put in place the policies that will allow it to meet its climate ambitions.
“The EBB welcomes the scale and ambition of the European Commission’s FF55 package. As European producers of sustainable biodiesel, we are convinced that biodiesel is key to effectively decarbonising all transport modes, especially in new sectors like the heavy-duty, maritime and aviation industries, and the Commission’s proposals reflect this” said Ms Kristell Guizouarn, EBB President.
Overall, the transport sector is the most challenging part of the FF55 package; the EU barely met its 2020 objectives and would not have without the artificial contribution of multipliers.[3] With FF55 growing demand still further, the future for Europe’s sustainable biodiesel industry looks bright.
[2] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM_final.pdf
[3] Renewable energy statistics - Statistics Explained (