EU budget summit Cobbled-together compromise no basis for Europe's future
Commenting on the compromise reached by EU heads of state and government on the future EU budget or financial framework (2014-20) at today's European Council, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit stated:
"EU leaders simply lack the will to work together to achieve more in Europe. In their vigour to defend obsolete rebates and shortsighted national interests, they are completely undermining Europe and the prospect of the EU budget playing a meaningful role in response to the current crisis. The cobbled-together nature of this compromise for the EU's coming 7 year budgetary period - falling short both in structure and overall ambition - will make it impossible for the EU budget to serve as a real instrument for relaunching our economy and promoting sustainable economic recovery.“
Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms concluded:
“The European Parliament will not endorse this proposal. Parliament's mandate is to overcome narrow-minded national interests and to defend the principle that by working together in the EU we can achieve more. This concept, and the value-added that the EU budget brings, is all the more important now at a time when national exchequers are under pressure. There are certainly savings to be made by dismantling national hobby horses, such as by cutting back subsidies for the agro-industry. However, at the same time we need to invest in future-oriented areas, such as research and innovation, sustainable development and programmes that will give European youth a better prospect.”
Editors note:
A cross-politcal statement by the heads of the 4 biggest groups in the European Parliament (Greens/EFA, ALDE, S&D and EPP) is available at: