ETNO welcomes the Granada Declaration which calls for high speed networks investment to be priority in forthcoming Digital Agenda


Wed, 04/21/2010



BRUSSELS – ETNO welcomes the recognition by telecoms ministers and the Commission of the need to address the lack of investment in high speed broadband infrastructure and boost private investment. 

“The eruption of the Icelandic volcano and the closure of the airspace brought a new demonstration of the key importance of high speed broadband infrastructure and applications, for instance through an increased use of video-conferencing systems, for the economy and society as a whole”, says Michael Bartholomew, ETNO Director. 

“Defining the right conditions for private investment in high speed broadband infrastructure, as recognised by the Granada Declaration, is a key condition of the success of the forthcoming EU Digital Agenda and must therefore be one its key areas”, added Bartholomew. 

As already highlighted by the European Council in March 2009 and in line with the recently revised telecoms framework, next generation access networks require new rules which take into account the high investment risks involved. Regulatory practice from several member states shows that a more targeted regulatory approach can support NGA investment. 

The forthcoming EU Digital Agenda and the EC Recommendation on NGA should ensure that an appropriate regulatory environment is established for private investment in high speed networks. 

For ETNO, to reinforce incentives for private investments in NGA, any regulatory approach to NGA should allow for:

-          taking into account varying competitive situations within different geographic areas in a member state;

-          symmetric obligations for all NGA investors to provide a level playing field and ensure choice for all end-users;

-          more flexibility in pricing access to networks as well as mechanisms for investors and access seekers to share the risks of NGA roll-out. 

For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager

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