ETNO welcomes EC Cloud Computing Strategy
Brussels – Following the Commission's announcement of its Cloud Computing Strategy "Unleasing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe", ETNO underlines the importance of cloud services both economically in terms of driving digital growth for Europe and socially as regards benefitting end-users with innovative services such as eHealth.
"ETNO is fully supportive of the Commission's efforts to ensure that Europe is cloud-friendly and open for business" said Mr Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chairman. "The European Cloud Partnership announced earlier this year was an important first step and this new Strategy announces more welcome actions, from which many of ETNO's members will benefit as cloud providers".
Cloud take-up is essential for Europe, to help meet the targets of the Digital Agenda and allow Europe to remain competitive on the global stage. In this regard, ETNO also reiterates the importance of the Commission's Connecting Europe Facility which will provide critical sector funding for the infrastructure that will underpin cloud services.
Legal certainty for businesses and consumer trust are also important elements for cloud growth in a truly Digital Single Market. Therefore, the harmonisation that will be achieved through the EU data protection legislative review is to be welcomed. ETNO also supports the proposal to simplify standards in order to facilitate interoperability, portability and reversibility.
ETNO will continue to review the details of the Strategy and engage in dialogue with the
Commission and other industry partners to help develop and promote innovative cloud services and Europe's leading role in the digital economy.
For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Director for Communications and Public Policy Tel: (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax: (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail: dieu@etno.be
ETNO’s 38 member companies and 12 observers from Europe and beyond represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than €600 billion and employ over 1.6 million people. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.