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ESMIG General Assembly celebrates five years of Smart Meter achievements


Fri, 06/14/2013

Brussels – 14 June 2013 – ESMIG, the European Smart Metering Industry Group is celebrating five years of promoting Smart Meter solutions and technologies to Europe, addressing consumers, utility operators and political decision-makers. The fifth anniversary is being marked on 13 June with a celebratory dinner followed on 14 June by presentations and discussions at the General Assembly of key Smart Metering players in Zug, Switzerland.

The event features a review of ESMIG’s main achievements in developing Smart Metering standards and policies, promoting the benefits of the optimal management of supply and consumption of utilities. Frank Hyldmar, ESMIG’s President, commented, “The past five years have been packed with activities involving the ESMIG team and our 33 member companies working with the EC, utility companies and consumer groups to refine Europe’s approach to Smart Metering and to ensure the adoption of best practices.”

“While there is much work remaining to achieve our key objectives, ESMIG is proud to report a number of milestones in regulation, technology and marketing such as providing expertise on both EMC emissions and the EU SmartGrid Task Force market models. We have also built alliances with stakeholders such as the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, European Heating Industry, EDSO for Smart Grids and EURELECTRIC.”

ESMIG has been the lead coordinator of industry-wide discussions to define the architecture, Use Cases and Privacy/Security for the rapidly emerging Smart Meter sector. The organisation also actively participates in the smart grid coordination group and smart grid task force steering committees and has defined Use Cases and architectures for Demand Response and EBSII Use Cases as well as architectures for integration of business systems.

A key challenge for ESMIG has been addressing industry and consumer groups’ concerns about privacy and security of data: much research and reporting has already been done, as detailed by Willem Strabbing, Managing Director of ESMIG in his October 2012 presentation at Metering, Billing/CRM Europe.

Another important ESMIG achievement in 2012 was the publication of the “Empower Demand II” report, executed by VaasaETT, which describes best practice examples on how to achieve energy efficiency through ICT and engaging the consumer. Howard Porter, ESMIG’s International Alliances Director added, “Also vital is our constructive approach to the EC,
which is now approaching us with questions about our members’ products and requests for our help to develop their reports and regulatory initiatives.”

Communication has been key to the ESMIG operation, as reflected by the numerous reports and press releases over the past five years, but also our important face-to-face interaction with interested parties, whether at ESMIG’s own workshops or when meeting people at international exhibitions and conferences, such as the European Utility Week and the forthcoming Sustainable Energy Week occurring in Brussels between 24-28 June 2013.

However, once the celebrations are over, ESMIG has a busy schedule for its next phases of activity. On the agenda in 2013 is the enhancement of the new Consumer Energy Management group; further marketing activities, workshops and events. There will soon be a new ESMIG web site and brochures, further membership development, and improved liaison with other EU-wide organisations such as engineering group Orgalime.

ESMIG’s future technical projects will encompass coordination of metering-related standardisation, further coordination of DR/DSM related standardisation, more interoperability testing. ESMIG is also expected to be involved with consultancy on pending legislation concerning EcoDesign, Data Protection and the Internal Energy Market, to name a few examples.

The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) is the European industry association that provides knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and related communications at a European level. ESMIG's members are the leading companies in the European Smart Metering Market: meter manufacturers, IT companies, communications product and service providers, home energy management product and service providers and system integrators. ESMIG covers all aspects of Smart Metering and related services, including electricity, gas, water and heat measurement. By giving support to European Union institutions, member states and standardisation organisations, the industry group aims to assist in the development of national and European-wide introduction, roll-out and management of Smart Metering and related solutions.

ESMIG is an Official Associate of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign:

For further information contact:
ESMIG Secretariat
Phone: +32 2 7068271, Fax: +32 2 7068250
European Smart Metering Industry Group
Boulevard A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium



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