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EP Energy Labelling vote should promote Market Surveillance, not a Product Database


Mon, 06/13/2016


Sustainable Dev.

On 14th June 2016, the European Parliament’s  Industry Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) will vote on the draft report of its Rapporteur MEP Dario Tamburrano on ‘A New Energy Labelling Framework’. 

Industry supports that a rescaling procedure triggered by technological advancement happens when duly justified by product specific impact assessments and the top class is saturated. Giving companies legal stability for ten years after such rescaling is a positive step, too.

However, the proposal of a new product database is of serious concern to manufacturers, as the real added value of market surveillance which industry requires, comes from physical checks.  It is those physical checks only that count and which no database can replace. These should therefore take precedence over the suggested public interface and compliance interface.  We take note of the option to make the compliance information available via an interface with suppliers’ servers.  Despite all efforts, that we truly appreciate, the introduction of a new database though remains inacceptable for industry.

Adrian Harris, Director General of ORGALIME said “The vote is absolutely essential with respect to preserving intellectual property rights, confidential business data and know how.  It is all imperative that improvements to the text are such that preference is given to Market Surveillance and enforcement programmes that effectively combat free-riding and unfair competition.”  

Paolo Falcioni, Director General of CECED said “We hope the final report will recognise the need for providing consumers with a smooth transition to an A-G scale. We support an approach that appreciates differing technological progress of products and a clear distinction between the conditions to be set for the first rescaling and subsequent future rescaling of the label. The expected validity of the label of at least 10 years provides stability for industry, clarity for consumers and fosters investment in energy efficiency innovations to reward consumer choice.

John Higgins, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE: “DIGITALEUROPE has strong reservations about the introduction of a database.  The focus should remain on essential product testing, not on checking administrative non-compliance.  Manufacturers will face a significant and disproportionate burden but the benefits are very unclear.



Notes for Editors:

Link to Voting Recommendations [more]

ORGALIME, the European Engineering Industries Association, speaks for 41 trade federations representing the mechanical, electrical, electronic, metalworking & metal articles industries of 24 European countries. The industry employs some 10.9 million people in the EU and in 2015 accounted for more than €1,900 billion of annual output. The industry accounts for over a quarter of manufacturing output and a third of the manufactured exports of the European Union.

CECED represents the home appliance industry in Europe. The total annual turnover of the industry in Europe is €50bn. Total employment as a result of the presence of the sector is approximately 1 million jobs. The sector contributes €1.4bn to research and development activities in Europe. Direct Members are Arçelik, Ariston Thermo Group, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Candy Group, Daikin Europe, De’Longhi, Dyson, AB Electrolux, Gorenje, Indesit Company, LG Electronics Europe, Liebherr Hausgeräte, Miele & Cie. GmbH & Co., Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Groupe SEB, Vestel, Vorwerk and Whirlpool Europe. CECED’s member Associations cover the following countries: Austria, Baltic countries, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Please visit our website for more information:

DIGITALEUROPE represents the digital technology industry in Europe. Our members include some of the world's largest IT, telecoms and consumer electronics companies and national associations from every part of Europe. DIGITALEUROPE wants European businesses and citizens to benefit fully from digital technologies and for Europe to grow, attract and sustain the world's best digital technology companies. DIGITALEUROPE ensures industry participation in the development and implementation of EU policies. DIGITALEUROPE’s members include 61 corporate members and 37 national trade associations from across Europe. Our website provides further information on our recent news and activities:  


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