EP calls for more action ahead of Cancún climate talks


Fri, 11/26/2010


Climate & Environment

The European Parliament  adopted today a Resolution which calls for more concerted action in climate aid commitments in the upcoming international talks in Cancun, Mexico (29 November - 10 December).

The Resolution stresses some of the key topics of the climate change policy as a focus of real progress in efforts related to UN climate talks.

The Resolution underlines a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 % by 2020 which is essential for the future sustainable economic growth of the European economy.

"The Parliament has sent a very clear message: Europe must increase its ambition and reduce its emissions by at least 30% by 2020. This is vital to maintain a chance of avoiding disastrous effects resulting from climate change, but it is also in the interest of our economy, as low energy consumption is increasingly becoming a factor of competitiveness", said Corinne Lepage (CAP21, France), ALDE's shadow rapporteur.

The EU must fulfil its responsibility, together with the rest of the industrialised world, to participate in the financing adaptation to climate change and to help developing countries cut their emissions.

We should support the updated UN initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation - "REDD+" which is the mechanism for preserving forests and including the role of conservation, sustainable management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

The Resolution also calls for EU support for the continuation of Kyoto, to look at how to become more energy efficient and how to deploy renewable energy sources and other clean energy technologies.

EK_90.jpg"There are immense economic opportunities for green technology. The future competitiveness of Europe therefore depends on our ability to solve the climate crisis and put Europe in the driving seat for technological innovation. We cannot expect a big bang climate solution in Cancun, the summit should instead be viewed as another small step towards preserving the future of our planet", added Lena Ek (Centre Party, Sweden).

"It is important for Europe to reclaim its leading role in the climate negotiations and actively contribute to a more constructive outcome at the forthcoming climate conference."

For more information, please contact / Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:

Corlett Neil - Tel: +33 3 881 74167  Mob: +32 478 78 22 84
Norbert Halko - Tel: +33 3 881 76651 Mob: +32 484 75 17 22
Web: http://www.alde.eu


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