Environment Committee: For ambitious recycling rates and efficient Waste-to-Energy Plants


Wed, 04/09/2008


Climate & Environment

With the acceptance of the ambitious energy efficiency criteria for Waste-to-Energy plants the Parliament’s Environment Committee took an important step towards climate protection in yesterday’s vote on the Waste Framework Directive.

Efficient Waste-to-Energy plants, together with high recycling rates pave the way towards sustainable waste and energy management in the future.

For more information on how efficient Waste-to-Energy plants benefit the climate, and how Waste-to-Energy and
recycling goes hand in hand in order to divert waste from landfills, please see CEWEP Press Briefing “Recycling and Waste-to-Energy – together reducing CO2” and Communication Paper “Don’t waste waste - it’s a
resource” both available at www.cewep.eu

Dr. Ella Stengler
CEWEP Managing Director
Tel: +32 2 770 6311

CEWEP represents 340 Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants across Europe (80% of the total European WtE market). WtE plants thermally treat household waste and waste similar to household waste that remains after waste prevention, reuse and recycling by generating energy from it. www.cewep.eu