ENEL's rights offering is closed, with all new shares having been subscribed
Rome, July 8th, 2009 – Enel S.p.A. (“Enel”) has successfully concluded the paid-in capital increase with pre-emptive rights resolved by its Board of Directors on May 6th and May 28th, 2009, in accordance with the shareholders’ authorization granted on April 29th,
2009, pursuant to Article 2443 of the Italian civil code.
Following the auction on the Italian Stock Exchange - pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 3, of the Italian Civil Code - of the rights not exercised during the offer period, the entire amount of new shares corresponding to such rights, consisting of 13,377,611 ordinary shares, has been subscribed for, at a price of 2.48 euros per share, for aggregate proceeds to Enel of 33,176,475.28 euros.
The rights offering has therefore closed with the full subscription of the 3,216,938,192 new shares offered, a number representing approximately 34.21% of the fully postoffering share capital of the Company, yielding gross proceeds to Enel of 7,978,006,716.16 euros, before commissions and expenses. As a result, no subscription
of shares by the guarantor syndicate, coordinated and led by Banca IMI, JP Morgan and Mediobanca (acting as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners) has been
The new share capital of Enel is equal to 9,403,357,795 euros, divided into the same number of ordinary shares, with a par value of 1 euro each.
As previously announced, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. (CDP), following its communication to the market on March 25th, 2009, exercised both the rights granted
directly to it and the rights granted to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), following the sale of the MEF rights to CDP. More specifically, CDP subscribed during the
offer period 1,005,095,936 newly issued Enel ordinary shares - equal to approximately 31.24% of the offered shares and about 10.69% of the new share capital of the
Company - for aggregate proceeds to Enel of 2,492,637,921.28 euros. Therefore, following the full subscription of Enel capital increase and the settlement of the transaction, CDP has reached a shareholding of about 17.36% of Enel share capital while
the MEF retains a direct shareholding equal to about 13.88%.