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EFA comments on the results of the US elections


Thu, 11/10/2016


Global Europe

EFA comments on the results of the US elections


The American people have democratically decided that Donald Trump should be their next President and this result needs therefore to be respected. The European Free Alliance (EFA) sincerely hopes that the conciliatory tone during the first speech of the US President-Elect will prevail over nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny and racism that dominated his electoral campaign.

At the same time, EFA firmly believes that the Trump victory and the Brexit show, more than anything, the acute need of improving our democracy so that it better represents the peoples and not just the political, economic and financial elites worldwide.

Commenting on the US elections results, EFA President Francois Alfonsi notes:

"It is more than clear that populism affects the public opinion in a negative way, with the US elections, the Brexit vote, the recent Polish elections being some characteristic examples. We need to realize that political establishment, both in the U.S. and in Europe, walked away from the people and this is exactly what paves the way to populists. This is what we need to change."

EFA Vice President Natalia Pinkowska comments: 

"We wish the U.S. a fruitful four years ahead  and at the same time hope that the close cooperation between America and Europe will continue to be based on the absolute respect of democratic values, mutual trust and understanding.”


EFA Vice President David Grosclaude (Parti Occitan) adds:

The current weakness of the European institutions, marked by a democratic deficit, is not really allowing a clear and sincere dialogue with the United States. This lack of a united Europe that is not a product of concerns and selfishness of its 28 Member States, will certainly be very visible during the next four years. We believe that the answer can only be a more representative and democratic Europe. A Europe that has the capacity to intervene in a positive way internationally. We need a strong European Parliament and a Senate of the European Regions. This is the answer to the alarming messages coming from the U.S .”


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