EBTN announces new Officers and new Associate Member
Fri, 05/05/2017
Euro & Finance
During its Extraordinary General Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, the members of the European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) elected Dr. Sladjana Sredojevic (Association of Serbian Banks) as Vice-President, Ms. Fatma Dirkes (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) as Secretary, and Ms. Viljenka Markič Simoneti (The Bank Association of Slovenia) as new Board Member of the Association, with a mandate to start immediately.
Also during this meeting, the members of EBTN voted in favor of the associatemembership of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB). Including the new associate member, EBTN now has 24 Full Members and 18 Associate Members.
Dr. Sredojevic and Ms. Dirkes will complete the Executive Committee consisting of Mr. Colin Morrison (Chartered Banker Institute, UK) as President, Ms. Mariola SzymanskaKoszczyc (Warsaw Institute of Banking, Poland) as Vice-President, and Mr. Peter Calleya (Institute of Financial Services, Malta) as Treasurer. Ms. Simoneti will serve as a nonexecutive member of EBTN’s Board of Directors.
Regarding the election results Mr. Morrison said, “We want to express our sincere appreciation to all the candidates. We are pleased that the Executive Committee and Board are now fully staffed. Also, we warmly welcome AICB as a new EBTN member.”
Transformed from the Institute of Bankers Malaysia founded in 1977, the establishment of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers is an initiative governed by a council comprising representatives from Bank Negara Malaysia (the Central Bank of Malaysia), the Association of Banks in Malaysia, the Association of Finance Companies in Malaysia, and the Malaysian Investment Banking Association. The AICB has been championing the vision of professionalizing bankers since 1977 by upholding the standards of excellence for the financial services sector to empower its workforce through the systematic transfer of knowledge and qualifications. Today, AICB is a distinct professional body focusing on membership, education, examinations and awards as well as thought leadership.
EBTN is the united voice of providers of education and training in the banking sector. Through its 25 member bodies and 18 associates, EBTN represents the interest of the leading banking institutes. The vision of EBTN is to become the standard-setting body for the accreditation, certification and qualification of knowledge, skills and competences in the European financial services sector.
For additional information, please contact:
Felicia Emery – EBTN Executive Manager
EBTN is the united voice of vocational education and training providers in the European banking sector
56, Avenue des Arts | B-1000 Brussels, Belgium | office@ebtn-association.eu | www.ebtn-association.eu
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