EASA Launches Best Practice Recommendation on Influencer Marketing
Tue, 12/18/2018
Innovation & Enterprise
The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) has now launched its Best Practice Recommendation on Influencer Marketing. They can be read here.

Social media influencers attract huge followings and are increasingly being approached by corporations to promote its products and services. Influencers have become a new breed of marketeers. But like every type of advertising, rules must be followed.
These new forms of digital advertising practices have prompted SROs and EASA to take a closer look at such marketing communications and explore the best ways to address the challenges coming with them.
Therefore, the EASA Best Practice Recommendation on Influencer Marketing aims to look at the key elements of influencer marketing techniques and assist SROs in creating their own national guidance by showcasing already existing practices on this topic across the SR network and elaborating the different elements such guidance should address and define.
EASA recognises that, subject to local parameters, SROs may vary in their national practices and choose to go beyond what is suggested in this document to ensure that influencer marketing abides by the national advertising codes and is honest, decent and truthful and can be thus trusted by consumers.
EASA’s Best Practice Recommendations (BPRs) are designed to provide support and advice to EASA’s Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) and industry members on the practice of advertising self-regulation. They are based on EASA’s “Common Principles and Operating Standards of Best Practice” (EASA Common Principles) and EASA’s “Best Practice Self-Regulatory Model”.
For more information and to access all of our BPRs, please see here.
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:00
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