Energy efficiency industries call for Heads of State and Government to agree upon a binding energy savings target |
PU Europe |
Thu, 01/13/2011 |
Sustainable Dev., Energy |
New standard for common mobile chargers Towards global relevance for smartphones compatible chargers |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020, Health & Consumers |
Meeting with the Hungarian Presidency of the EU - ETNO insists on importance of NGA investment to meet Digital Agenda targets and raises concerns about special tax on telecoms |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
InfoSociety, Trade & Society |
AER tribute to Carlo Bernini |
AER - Assembly of European Regions |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
Regional Policy, Transport |
Hungary: EPP Group rejects politically motivated accusations on the Media Act. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
InfoSociety |
Radio Spectrum Programme: High speed and capacity indispensable for digital society. Gunnar Hökmark MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
Global Europe |
Belarus: EU should apply its principles. Gunnar Hökmark MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
Enlargement |
Verhofstadt: "2011 must be a year for decisive action" |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
ALDE Calls on Commission to clarify issue of US Government Wikileaks subpoenas |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Belarus: the situation following the presidential elections debated in the European Parliament. Jacek Protasiewicz MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
EPP Group to honour former European Commission Vice-President, Loyola de Palacio. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/11/2011 |
Agriculture & Food, EU Priorities 2020 |
Haiti: one year on and the reconstruction process is at a standstill. Michèle Striffler MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/11/2011 |
Global Europe |
Alfredo Altavilla elected Chairman of the ACEA Commercial Vehicle Board for 2011 |
ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association |
Tue, 01/11/2011 |
Trade & Society, Transport |
CANCELLED: Christians under attack: EPP Group press conference on initiatives in defence of Christian populations. Joseph Daul MEP and Mario Mauro MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/11/2011 |
Global Europe |
Christians under attack: EPP Group press conference on initiatives in defence of Christian populations. Joseph Daul MEP and Mario Mauro MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 01/10/2011 |
Global Europe |
Reforming the EU budget - No more sacred cows |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Mon, 01/10/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Solutions to growing transport demand up for discussion |
UITP - International Association of Public Transport |
Mon, 01/10/2011 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Transport |
Public Hearing on Freedom of the Press in Hungary |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Mon, 01/10/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Patenting of Biotechnical Inventions, Invitation to a Press Briefing. Peter Liese MEP, Miroslav Mikolášik MEP and Carlo Casini MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Fri, 01/07/2011 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
Guy Verhofstadt: "First request to the new EU Presidency: uphold freedom of press" |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Thu, 01/06/2011 |
InfoSociety |
Volvo Car Corporation is new EUCAR Member from January 2011 |
ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association |
Wed, 01/05/2011 |
Transport |
Christians under attack: the EU must take urgent action now. Mario Mauro MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/04/2011 |
Global Europe |
IRU Road Transport Indices confirm that BRIC countries are forging ahead |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Tue, 01/04/2011 |
Euro & Finance, Transport |
European vehicle production up 15% over 9 months in 2010 |
ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association |
Mon, 01/03/2011 |
Trade & Society, Transport |
Luigi Gambardella is ETNO’s new Executive Board Chairman |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Mon, 01/03/2011 |
Euro & Finance, InfoSociety |
The universal charger: not quite universal yet |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Mon, 01/03/2011 |
Health & Consumers, InfoSociety |
4 new members join the international non-profit association Meters and More |
Mon, 01/03/2011 |
Energy |
Falsified medicines: European Parliament and EU governments reach agreement |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 12/21/2010 |
Health & Consumers |
KRAHMER: More Safety for Europe’s Patients |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Tue, 12/21/2010 |
Health & Consumers |
EurActiv’s mobile version to broaden access to EU policy news |
Euractiv |
Mon, 12/20/2010 |
Agriculture & Food, Climate & Environment, Energy, EU Priorities 2020, Public Affairs |