“e-CMR” needed to further increase efficiency of road transport
The IRU welcomes the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the CMR Convention, which transitions from the current slow and unreliable paper-based system, to faster and more efficient electronic Consignment Notes (e-CMR) and calls upon governments to join the Additional Protocol and adopt an harmonised approach to its implementation.
Geneva – Further to the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the CMR Convention in June 2011, the IRU Goods Transport Council today encouraged an accelerated introduction of the e-CMR to improve supply chain efficiency.
Carriers can now electronically record, store and exchange CMR data with their commercial partners. This significantly improves document management by reducing the potential for human error, while increasing the efficiency of road transport operations.
The IRU Position therefore urges all Contracting Parties to the CMR Convention to accede to or ratify the Additional Protocol and calls upon Governments to harmonise practical implementation requirements.
For example, some authorities still request a paper copy in addition to an e-CMR Consignment Note which completely defeats the purpose and benefits of using an electronic system. Governments should also agree on technical standards regarding electronic signatures and authentication methods in order to experience the full benefits of e-CMR
At present, e-CMR can only be used in seven countries – Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland – allowing carriers and commercial partners to benefit from facilitated international road transport. For e-CMR to be a truly efficient and practical tool for transport operators, other countries will need to join the Additional Protocol, allowing e-CMR to be used in more than just a limited number of European itineraries.
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Read the IRU Position on the introduction of the electronic CMR Consignment Note
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