Drinking Water Directive - EurEau reaction to today's ENVI Council
Tue, 03/05/2019
Health & Consumers
EurEau supports Council compromise on drinking water
Public health protection and affordability will prevail as the Council approves its position on the Drinking Water Directive
Brussels, 5 March 2019: EurEau supports the General Approach on the Drinking Water Directive, as adopted by the Environment Council today.
The negotiations led by the Romanian Presidency assure the human right to water through safeguarding public health and the affordability of water services. The resultant Council position improves the Commission’s proposal concerning the provisions on the risk-based approach, on the quality parameters and on information to consumers.
“The current directive provides a strong framework for protecting human health, which is paramount to us. With today’s agreement on the future framing of the Drinking Water Directive, people can rest assured that when they open their tap for a glass of water for them or their family, the water they consume is safe, clean and wholesome. This Council compromise builds on the original directive to guarantee consumer protection for years to come.” says EurEau Vice President, Claudia Castell-Exner.
EurEau praises the Council position on materials and products in contact with drinking water and we expect that the final text will maintain this level of ambition. The European water sector – together with water producers - have called for hygienic requirements for materials under this directive since the Commission announced the recast.
We commend the Romanian Presidency leadership on this file and the good progress achieved so far in the Council negotiations, leading to a balanced compromise text.
This preliminary Council position will be the basis for the trialogue negotiations with the European Parliament under the next legislature 2019-2024.
About EurEau
EurEau is the voice of Europe’s water sector. We represent public and private drinking and waste water service providers. Our members are the national water service associations from 29 European countries. We bring sector professionals together to discuss quality, resource efficiency and access to water for Europe’s citizens and businesses.
Employing around 470,000 people, the sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy.
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