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The disability movement calls for the active participation of organisations of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the UN Convention


Mon, 05/19/2014


Health & Consumers
Social Europe & Jobs

Zagreb, 18 May 2014 | The European conference on ‘Monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in practice’ brought together more than 200 individuals from the disability movement all around Europe, the Croatian authorities, as well as representatives of European organisation and the Commission. Organised by EDF in cooperation with its Croatian members, SOIH, in the frame of EDF’s Annual General Assembly, the European conference opened a dialogue between national and European organisations of persons with disabilities concerning their view on the upcoming EU report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The different sessions of the conference focused on the right to work with examples of legislative and social protection reforms to ensure equal access to the labour market for persons with disabilities, as well as on the involvement of women and men with disabilities including children and their representative organisations in the implementation of the Convention. In these terms, the disability movement adopted a resolution on the future of financial sustainability of civil participation on the movement of persons with disabilities in Europe.

Read more on EDF’s website

Have a look at the pictures here

Lila Sylviti
European Disability Forum | nothing about us without us
tel +32 2 282 46 04 | fax +32 2 282 46 09 -


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