Digitising construction industry must be a priority of Horizon Europe
Thu, 11/22/2018
Innovation & Enterprise
Yesterday, in the framework of the European Forum for Manufacturing CECE hosted a dinner debate at the European Parliament on the subject 'Digitising Construction Machinery: The Role of Research Funding and Regulation'.
The event, chaired by MEP Paul RÜBIG, Member of the Industry Committee, brought together a unique blend of representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, CECE members, trade press and other European industry associations.
The central theme of the event's keynote speech - delivered by Khalil ROUHANA, Deputy Director-General at DG Connect of the European Commission - was the financial support foreseen in the Digital Europe programme to continue the efforts of the Digitising European Industry initiative to align the next long-term EU budget with increasing digital challenges. Khalil ROUHANA underlined the importance of research funding and regulation in the process of digitising Europe and its industry sectors.
Building on the findings of CECE's Digitalisation Project, CECE President Enrico Prandini explained the relevance of an adequate data policy that requires changes in the traditional data management rules: "Digitalisation of the construction sector must be one of the main priorities of the EU political agenda through a clear identification of this sector as a priority focus for the upcoming Horizon Europe programme”.
Closing the event, Riccardo Viaggi, CECE Secretary General, stressed "We need to collaborate intensively to lead and support the construction industry in order to enable a successful digital transformation of the whole industry. In order to remain competitive in an increasingly globalised market, the EU economy must transform itself digitally, which requires an appropriate political, regulatory and financial framework at the European level. This must become one of the building blocks of a true vision for a forward-looking and ambitious Industrial Policy Strategy for the EU”.
To view the full programme of the event, click here.
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