DIGITALEUROPE establishes a Cloud Council
Press Release - Dublin, 19 June 2013. Today, DIGITALEUROPE announces the formation of a Cloud Council. Comprised of members of DIGITALEUROPE, the Cloud Council has a clear objective: to help ensure Europe reaps the full benefit from the jobs, economic growth and societal benefits that cloud computing can deliver.
Cloud computing will transform Europe’s business competitiveness, the effectiveness of our public services and the way we enjoy digital life. The Cloud Council with be the primary source of knowledge and industry leadership on this important topic, will guide DIGITALEUROPE’s engagement in the European CloudWatch HUB and its popular Cloud in Practice programme.
John Higgins, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE said: “DIGITALEUROPE’s Cloud Council will be the one-stop Digital Industry shop for European cloud know how.”
For further information and additional comments, please contact:
Jonathan Murray, DIGITALEUROPE, jonathan.murray@digitaleurope.org or +32 2609 5328
DIGITALEUROPE represents the digital technology industry in Europe. Our members include some of the world’s largest IT, telecoms and consumer electronics companies and national associations from every part of Europe. DIGITALEUROPE wants European businesses and citizens to benefit from digital technologies and for Europe to grow, attract and sustain the world's best digital technology companies. DIGITALEUROPE ensures industry participation in the development and implementation of EU policies. DIGITALEUROPE’s members include 57 global corporations and 34 national trade associations from across Europe. In total, 10,000 companies employing two million citizens and generating €1 trillion in revenues. Our website provides further information on our recent news and activities: http://www.digitaleurope.org
COMPANY MEMBERS: Acer, Alcatel-Lucent, AMD, APC by Schneider Electric, Apple, Bang & Olufsen, BenQ Europa BV, Bose, Brother, Canon, Cassidian, Cisco, Dell, Epson, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Hitachi, HP, Huawei, IBM, Ingram Micro, Intel, JVC Kenwood Group, Kyora Document Solutions, Kodak, Konica Minolta, Kyocera Mita, Lexmark, LG, Loewe, Microsoft, Mitsubishi Electric, Motorola Mobility, Motorola Solutions, NEC, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Océ, Oki, Oracle, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Qualcomm, Research In Motion, Ricoh International, Samsung, SAP, Sharp, Siemens, Sony, Swatch Group, Technicolor, TP Vision Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Xerox, ZTE Corporation.
Belgium: AGORIA; Bulgaria: BAIT; Cyprus: CITEA; Denmark: DI ITEK, IT-BRANCHEN; Estonia: ITL; Finland: FFTI; France: Force Numerique, SIMAVELEC; Germany: BITKOM, ZVEI; Greece: SEPE; Hungary: IVSZ; Ireland: ICT IRELAND; Italy: ANITEC; Lithuania: INFOBALT; Netherlands: ICT OFFICE, FIAR; Poland: KIGEIT, PIIT; Portugal: AGEFE; Romania: APDETIC; Slovakia: ITAS; Slovenia: GZS; Spain: AMETIC, Sweden: IT&Telekomföretagen; United Kingdom: INTELLECT
Belarus: INFOPARK; Norway: IKT NORGE; Switzerland: SWICO; Turkey: ECID, TESID, TÜBISAD; Ukraine: IT UKRAINE.