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Democratic government of Honduras must be reinstated says Lothar Bisky, President of the GUE/NGL Parliamentary Group


Mon, 06/29/2009


EU Priorities 2020

Lothar Bisky, President of the GUE/NGL Group in the European Parliament, strongly condemns the military coup in Honduras, demands the reinstatement of the democratically elected President, Mr Manuel Zelaya, and his government, and the immediate release of all those detained in the framework of this totally illegal operation.

President Zelaya and his government had begun important work to free their country from hunger and poverty and for a real political social and economic integration of Latin America.

On behalf of the GUE/NGL Group of the European Parliament, Lothar Bisky calls on all democratic forces to join forces in order to return M. Zelaya and his government to power, and to defeat and sanction those responsible for this unacceptable situation. Mr. Bisky considers that negotiations should not be held between the European Union and any authority of Honduras other than that of the democratically elected government of President Manuel Zelaya.

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