FTA Expects the EU-China Investment Talks to Be a Priority in Europe’s Trade Policy |
FTA - Foreign Trade Association |
Fri, 03/28/2014 |
Trade & Society |
European biotech Research, Development, and Innovation incentives need to ensure greater economic growth |
EuropaBio |
Thu, 03/27/2014 |
Science & Policymaking |
The human cost of austerity: Poor people paying for a crisis they did not cause |
Caritas Europa |
Thu, 03/27/2014 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Banks support European Commission plans for long-term financing |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Thu, 03/27/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
ACCA calls for long-term financing solutions for sustainable economic growth |
Thu, 03/27/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
GUE/NGL calls on Egypt to drop death sentence for Morsi supporters |
Wed, 03/26/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
ESMIG - European Smart Metering Industry Group |
Wed, 03/26/2014 |
InfoSociety |
Banks urge EU to reconsider approach to Savings Tax Directive |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Tue, 03/25/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
EU organic farming rules |
Tue, 03/25/2014 |
Agriculture & Food |
EBF meets Financial Action Task Force Consultative Forum |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Tue, 03/25/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
EU-US Summit: time for concrete and decisive actions |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 03/25/2014 |
Global Europe |
EU-US Summit needs to give strong political backing to the TTIP negotiations |
AmCham EU |
Tue, 03/25/2014 |
Global Europe |
Confidence boost for Europe's renewable energy industry as Heads of State show support |
WindEurope |
Mon, 03/24/2014 |
Energy |
Advanced economies benefit from globalization much more than developing countries and NICs |
Bertelsmann Stiftung |
Mon, 03/24/2014 |
Global Europe |
Fire Safe Europe Names Juliette Albiac Managing Director |
Fire Safe Europe |
Mon, 03/24/2014 |
Health & Consumers |
Westinghouse welcomes European Council's commitment to energy security and climate leadership |
Westinghouse |
Mon, 03/24/2014 |
Energy |
Increase in young people living at home across EU since onset of economic crisis |
Eurofound |
Mon, 03/24/2014 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
OPENAXEL launches its open acceleration platform to promote growth for accelerators and startups at a European level |
Sat, 03/22/2014 |
InfoSociety |
EU summit :Welcome cooperation against Russia but missed opportunity for EU energy policy |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Global Europe |
Global Water Partnership Launches New Global Strategy: Towards 2020 |
Global Water Partnership |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Climate & Environment |
European banks: SRM breakthrough fosters confidence and stability |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
The European Poplar Association launches its new website |
Pro-Populus |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Climate & Environment |
The argumentation document of the European Poplar Association available in 3 new languages |
Pro-Populus |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Climate & Environment |
Turkey Twitter ban unacceptable |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Europe's East |
EPP Group Highlights (24-28 March 2014) |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
ASD disappointed with the EP Environment Committee’s decision to reject the deal on aviation Emission Trading Scheme |
ASD - Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Transport |
Payment Accounts: EBF cautiously welcomes trilogue agreement |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Call for tenders: Shadow Report and Country Report |
Caritas Europa |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Call for tenders: Crisis Monitoring Report 2014 |
Caritas Europa |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
CEEMET statement to EU Council meeting highlighting industrial competitiveness |
Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers |
Fri, 03/21/2014 |
Innovation & Enterprise |