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#CovidUnder19: What does the pandemic mean for children?


Wed, 12/09/2020


Health & Consumers

Eurochild has supported the CovidUnder19 Global survey, an initiative led by children and young people that aims to understand the impact of the pandemic and related measures from the view of children and young people. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused severe social and emotional disruption in the lives of children by depriving them of physical education. It has also made them feel highly unsafe and stressed within their homes.

The results and findings of this survey will be disclosed during a virtual event on December 9, 2020 in the presence of our partners, stakeholders and decision makers. Results of the survey are inclusive of the various prospects on what children have experienced during the pandemic.

The “Life Under Coronavirus” survey was designed by children, for children aged between 8 to 17 years available in 27 different languages alongside an easy to read version. It received an overwhelming response with more than 26,000 children participating worldwide. A shorter poll focusing on issues of protection, safety and peer-to-peer support was also disseminated via UNICEF’s U-Report leading to additional 5,000 responses from children.

“It is a powerful experience to listen to the perspective of children from all around the world regarding a situation that has affected them massively, yet has left them excluded from the decision making process. Covidunder19 is a living example of how governments, civil society organisations, and children can work, learn and share experiences together.” – Konstantinos, member Eurochild Children’s Council and one of the initiators of the #Covidunder19 initiative.

Publicising the findings allow children and young people to directly share with decision makers and leaders around the world how the pandemic and related measures taken by governments affect their daily realities.

The survey was developed in collaboration with international partners including Terre des hommes and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children among others and involved a diverse group of children from 28 countries at all stages including drawing conclusions and developing key messages.

The CovidUnder19 Life Under Coronavirus survey was designed in the spirit of the United Nations Convention on Rights of Child (UNCRC) using the child rights-based methodology developed by Queen’s University Belfast. In a world centered around decisions made by adults, children and their role in decision making, especially during the time of a crisis, must be considered. This global survey has also served as a channel for children to communicate the right to participate in decisions affecting their lives to adults.

Through the various types of data collected – qualitative and quantitative in nature, the survey results disclose how the pandemic and related measures have affected children in different areas of life and circumstances around the world.

Conclusively, the survey has served as a channel for children around the world, to portray their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic to the world alongside their message to decision makers and leaders. In its representativeness, this initiative serves as a medium of a global solidarity among children amidst a crisis while also reflecting upon the diverse unity of the children around the world.

“The outcomes from the children’s consultations clearly indicate that children have made an effort to put forth their voice on the pandemic to inform public policy. It is now the responsibility of the decision makers at the national and EU level to take the views of over 26.000 children into account, and put children at the heart of Europe’s recovery.” says Jana Hainsworth, Eurochild Secretary General.



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