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Copper industry completes Risk Assessment in anticipation of REACH regulation


Fri, 11/27/2009

Brussels, November 27th 2009: The European Copper Institute has launched a digital information toolkit to publicise the results of its recently approved EU risk assessment for copper. The tool kit, for use by the industry with its customers, employees, local regulators and communities, as well as by other stakeholders, positions the industry well to meet its obligations under the EU’s REACH regulation.

After five years in development, the copper industry’s Risk Assessment has been endorsed by the European Commission and Member States. This was unique since it was the first voluntary action to secure regulatory approval in anticipation of REACH.

The Risk Assessment’s key conclusion is that the existing regulatory framework is sufficient to protect human health and the environment from the production, use and end of life recycling of copper products.

The digital toolkit, also available to the general public in five languages, provides the industry’s management and salespeople with a wealth of information in the form of leaflets, fact sheets and other materials all of which underline the achievements of the copper industry in incorporating sustainable development and health policies into its operations and markets ahead of the regulations imposed by REACH.

“This proactive initiative shows that the copper releases from manufacturing processes and products uses present no harm to the environment or to the health of employees and citizens. This toolkit allows us to communicate this in a transparent way, giving reassurance to the public at large and information to the regulatory community and the industry’s customers” said John Schonenberger, Chief Executive of the European Copper Institute.