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COPA-COGECA welcoms new EU study showing EU consumers support farmers


31 Mar 2010


Agriculture & Food

Copa-Cogeca welcomed today a new EU study which shows that EU consumers support the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and want the EU farm budget to be maintained.


Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen insisted in Brussels “I am pleased that an overwhelming majority of EU citizens consider that agriculture and the rural environment are vital issues for Europe’s future. This certainly motivates farmers in their work. It also supports our  views that a strong CAP, with its current mechanisms, must be kept in the future. It must also be accompanied by a sufficiently large EU budget”.


“Faced with increasing market volatility and growing world food demand, Copa-Cogeca believes that it is essential that existing measures to manage the market under the CAP continue. Market stability would also be in the interests of consumers. In future, a strong CAP not only makes sense to the 15 million farmers in the EU, but it also benefits the 500 million consumers by ensuring the availability of high quality food at reasonable prices. It also safeguards the countryside and maintains employment in the rural areas of the EU”.


Amanda Cheesley

Press Officer



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