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Conservation of Biodiversity must be our generation's top priority


Tue, 09/21/2010


Agriculture & Food
Sustainable Dev.

Gerben Jan Gerbrandy (D66, NL) applauds the strong message of the report adopted today by European Parliament on the implementation of EU legislation aiming at the conservation of biodiversity.

"The original report was rather weak, but the liberals and others have turned it into an ambitious resolution. I believe that halting the loss of biodiversity should be on top of the international political agenda", said Gerbrandy.

MEP Gerbrandy emphasizes the economic relevance of biodiversity.

"Studies show a yearly loss in GDP of 7% in 2050 if we continue like this. Preservation of biodiversity as a whole is both fundamental to all human economic activity and a responsibility to the current generation as custodians of the planet and nature. It provides us with clean air, fresh water, timber, fertile soil, medicinal compounds etc. That is the real value of biodiversity."

"It is more than a public good that should be looked after by governments. All economic activities should integrate the value of biodiversity, for that reason we have to ensure a further mainstreaming of biodiversity as a high priority into all EU policy areas in a mutually reinforcing way", added Gerbrandy.

"The European Parliament approved this report almost unanimously, but it should act consistently when we discuss the reform of the CAP, Fisheries Policy, or allocation of financial resources. Those are the moments to make a practical difference to the preservation of our biodiversity"

For more information, please contact:
Neil Corlett: +33-3-88 17 41 67 or +32-478-78 22 84
Norbert Halko: +33-3-88 17 65 51 or +32-484-75.17.22


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